Thursday, November 22, 2007

For What It's Worth: I'm Thankful

If you were a regular follower of this site, all 1.5 of you, you noticed I stopped updating and posting a top ten poll back in October. There are a couple of main reasons for this.

First, I just did not have enough time. I wish that I was a sports writer. It would be cool to be paid to go to games and then write about what I saw. I know that there is more to it than that, but I might be willing to put up with all of the "suffering" that goes along with it. My favorite college football writer is Stewart Mandel from I really do think that he is pretty balanced in his writing, and I agree with him most of the time. If you like college football and are intrigued with the hot topics that give it so much passion, then you might check out Stewart's book. Back to reason number one, time. I, like so many who have blogs etc., have a full time job. I also have other projects going. Therefore, it became difficult for me to do the research necessary to keep up with one of the most changing years in college football. Last year when I did the poll, I think I missed one or two weeks. Basically, I set up my top ten and adjusted it when teams lost, which was not nearly as often as this year. Not only were teams losing this year, but they were losing to unranked teams. The changes were fast and often.

Second, I just couldn't see enough games. My computer wasn't working well during this stretch which kept me from seeing any highlights and researching teams in which I just couldn't see on TV. In order to run a college football site, one needs to have some kind of cable TV (with Saturday off) and/or a good access to the internet. Well I work on Saturdays and I don't have cable TV. Cable TV accounts for about 85% of the games being televised (my observation). I live in Fort Worth, TX, and I have only seen TCU play once, at a friends home. Cable packages, of course, are not customizable where one can customize it for a lot of sports channels. Maybe I'll get cable again someday, but right now I'd rather have internet.

So, why I am thankful in light of this. That I have a job. Of course, it might be more fun if my job was writing about sporting events, but I have a job. Not being able to keep up with my blog means that I was busy because of my job, which have. The job allows us to eat, have internet access, cell phone, pay bills, and almost everything I really need. I have been without one before, and it really makes it tough. It might not be my ideal job, but at least it is one I can do well, and one I like most of the time. I am able to laugh at work. With my fellow workers and my supervisors. I have access to almost all things relating to entertainment. I have been fortunate to meet some really nice people, some local celebrities. I have some very smart and very thoughtful customers. My company, Borders Books, provides me with some benefits. Today, my wife and I will go eat Thanksgiving lunch, and we will be able to pay for it.

I apologize to readers for dropping the ball, fumbling if you will. If I continue this blog, it will have to take a different direction. I am in the process of figuring that out. If you have any suggestions, click on on contact link on the homepage and email me your ideas. I am thinking about keeping my articles and having various top tens. One idea is the Top Ten Surprises in 2007. Those kinds of things. That keeps the site more true to the domain name. There are many polls out there, from the "professionals" to the serious bloggers. I might defer my poll making to those guys. Maybe I will provide a one stop shop for polls or a list of links to find the best polls. I figure that I can write what I think about college football based on what I observe through the games I see on TV, read about in the paper, and read on the internet. It is certainly harder for me to know about teams from other areas of the country than the ones near North Texas. Therefore, I will be brainstorming on how to make this a viable site which works for my time and energies. Just because I had a fumble, it doesn't mean the game is over.

The end of the season is here. The final few weeks are left, and there is still a lot of season changing games left on the schedule. And then, of course, it become bowl season.



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